Fivem Postal Map Script

Fivem Postal Map Script. OCRP Postal and Minimap (Server Side) Page 3 FiveM Releases Cfx JC-Postal is a script for FiveM that enables customization of postal codes and their positions, making them visible to all players How to Use: Use the command /postal or /pl followed by the postal code to set a waypoint.

[FREE][STANDALONE][MAP] Real Los Angeles Postal Map v2 Free Version
[FREE][STANDALONE][MAP] Real Los Angeles Postal Map v2 Free Version from

Here is a server side version of our postal map and the minimap Big thanks to @JnKTechstuff and Jeff Favignano for the postal map and a big thanks to @DementedDude and his release ([Release] Custom Mini Map) that I borrowed some code from Postal Code Map Example Minimap Example This enhances gameplay by improving navigation and location referencing within the game environment.

[FREE][STANDALONE][MAP] Real Los Angeles Postal Map v2 Free Version

Hello everyone! Today I am bringing you yet another postal code map! I have used the great DLK FiveM Map to create a postal map Contribute to Mo1810/-LEGACY-mo_postalCode development by creating an account on GitHub. "Download ZIP" Open zip file, open folders until you see and extract folder mo_postalCode into your resources;

[FREE][STANDALONE][MAP] Real Los Angeles Postal Map v2 Free Version. JC-Postal is a script for FiveM that enables customization of postal codes and their positions, making them visible to all players Here is how the map is laid out: Here are some screenshots of the map: Changelog: 1.1 - Added remaining PD, Fire, and Hospital badges 1.1.1 - Added full size PNG version for dispatchers/CAD use 1.2 - Added minimap support, modified for server-side only (no client.

[Release] Postal Code Map & Minimap New & Improved v1.3 FiveM. "Download ZIP" Open zip file, open folders until you see and extract folder mo_postalCode into your resources; In the resource fxmanifest.lua file, uncomment the cl_dev.lua requirement line; Do refresh and restart nearest-postal in-game; Teleport to the first postal code in numerical order; Type /setnext [postalCode] where postalCode is the postal that you are at; Type /next to insert it; Teleport to the next postal code in numerical order